Monthly Archives: February 2014

Educational High-Tech Toys

Even in schools where the classroom furniture is modern and cool, it can’t compare with some of the coolest gadgets available which make learning fun.

LeapPad from LeapFrog

LeapPad from LeapFrog

HEXBUG Nano Collection

OK, this toy is way cool! If your child (and whose child doesn’t) love insects, these tiny robotic creatures were created to behave just like bugs. They crawl; they flip; they swarm; and they even look like a colorful version of your most robotic looking insect around. Kids can build habitats for their Hexbugs and track them on-line. Think of it as a terrarium experiment in your house, just missing the real bugs.

Boogie Board

Remember Etch-a-Sketch? Well this little baby is the 21st century version. It is paperless (of course) LCD writing tablet, complete with its very own stylus, allowing you to write whatever you want, and then erase it by just the press of a button. (No shaking necessary!) Use the Boogie Board to practice handwriting, spelling, numbers, letters, drawing, doodling, games; anything paper can do, this can do better! Think of how many trees this device can save.


From the trusted company LeapFrog, the LeapPad is a tablet just for kids age from 4-9. It is similar to an iPad for younger users, and much less expensive. Kids can play games right for them on this device, plus they can draw, do math, read, take photos and just about anything else a grown-up tablet can do.


Writing Skills and High-Tech Aids

Creativity can flow with speech recognition software

Creativity can flow with speech recognition software

One of the main objects of education is to teach writing skills. No matter how modern the school furniture, or how comfortable the classroom chairs, it is not important compared to the learning going on in the school. One of the most important things taught in school is writing skills.

It is useful to point out the writing actually depends on combining several skills together, which for many children can be fraught with difficulties. Some of the skills necessary are the ability to organize thoughts, finding the correct words, and then putting those words into understandable sentences.

In our current society, with the development of high-tech solutions, there are tools to help children to develop the skills they need to become competent writers. The following is a list of such useful tools.

•    Portable word processor
•    Tablet PC
•    Speech recognition software
•    Word prediction software
•    Electronic spell-checker and dictionaries
