Amazing Gadgets For Students

We have arrived at an age when classroom furniture, a teacher and a blackboard are just not enough anymore. Now there is a device for everything, from laptops to phones to electronic textbooks. Take a look at the following items and see if there is something that will enhance your school performance, or that of someone you love.

Livescribe Wi-Fi Smartpen

Livescribe Wi-Fi Smartpen

Livescribe Wi-Fi Smartpen

This tool is amazing. No need for paper, notebooks, erasers, or a bag to carry it all in. Just write or draw in the usual way- you know, taking notes at a lecture, and this pen not only records the lecturer’s words, but remembers what you wrote. Go back later and tap a word, symbol or even just a doodle and the pen will play back the lecture. The pen also synchs digital copies to an Evernote account through Wi-Fi. Now the lecture and your notes are on your computer for you to look at and listen to at your convenience. Be careful not to lose this fantastic gadget.

iPad Mini

This device offers a fantastic way to access digital textbooks, and iTunes U, which gives the student free and easy access to college courses, either as podcasts, videos, lecture notes or other media.

Old Fashioned Alternatives to Hi-Tech gadgets

Tired of all the hype about electronic devices? Try some old fashioned educational fun, such as:
Biking, walking, kissing, holding hands, chit chatting, cooking, swimming, doodling, thinking, hugging, dancing and laughing.
