
Educational High-Tech Toys
Even in schools where the classroom furniture is modern and cool, it can’t compare with some of the coolest gadgets available which make learning fun.
HEXBUG Nano Collection
OK, this toy is way cool! If your child (and whose child doesn’t) love insects, these tiny robotic creatures were created to behave just like bugs. They crawl; they flip; they swarm; and they even look like a colorful version of your most robotic looking insect around. Kids can build habitats for their Hexbugs and track them on-line. Think of it as a terrarium experiment in your house, just missing the real bugs.
Boogie Board
Remember Etch-a-Sketch? Well this little baby is the 21st century version. It is paperless (of course) LCD writing tablet, complete with its very own stylus, allowing you to write whatever you want, and then erase it by just the press of a button. (No shaking necessary!) Use the Boogie Board to practice handwriting, spelling, numbers, letters, drawing, doodling, games; anything paper can do, this can do better! Think of how many trees this device can save.
From the trusted company LeapFrog, the LeapPad is a tablet just for kids age from 4-9. It is similar to an iPad for younger users, and much less expensive. Kids can play games right for them on this device, plus they can draw, do math, read, take photos and just about anything else a grown-up tablet can do.

Great Games to Teach Kids
games for kids: Scotland Yard http://bit.ly/rXOYx
— games for kids (@gamesforkids) June 20, 2009

Writing Skills and High-Tech Aids
One of the main objects of education is to teach writing skills. No matter how modern the school furniture, or how comfortable the classroom chairs, it is not important compared to the learning going on in the school. One of the most important things taught in school is writing skills.
It is useful to point out the writing actually depends on combining several skills together, which for many children can be fraught with difficulties. Some of the skills necessary are the ability to organize thoughts, finding the correct words, and then putting those words into understandable sentences.
In our current society, with the development of high-tech solutions, there are tools to help children to develop the skills they need to become competent writers. The following is a list of such useful tools.
• Portable word processor
• Tablet PC
• Speech recognition software
• Word prediction software
• Electronic spell-checker and dictionaries

Choice Awards Gadgets to Teach

Gadgets Galore for Kids Who Need Extra Help
Every classroom is full of children learning at different levels. Every student who sits in school chairs listening to their teacher absorbs
information in a different way and at a different place. Luckily for the kids who need a little extra help there are many devices to make learning easier.
One of the most important skills, if not the most important, is reading. Fluency in reading is the most crucial element for students to absorb the growing amount of information teachers impart to them. If reading is a difficulty for students they can fall behind and have a difficult time catching up. Luckily there are tools available to assist children to improve their reading ability.
Audiobooks are a great way to garner information, and a great place to find them is through Recordings for the Blind & Dyslexic, which has a library of over 100,000 recorded textbooks at every grade level. The books are read out loud by experts in each subject so charts, graphs, and illustrations are well described.

Gadgets for Kids with ADHD
“ADHD Gadgets for Managing ADHD Symptoms” http://t.co/7oPE3gmU Thanks for your recommendation.
— iRewardChart (@iRewardChart) February 9, 2012

Helping Children with ADHD
There are many gadgets and tools to help children with Attention Deficit Disorder to do better in school. These tools can help children when they are sitting at their school desks trying to get their homework done or when they are studying for tests.
Don’t become overwhelmed by the large number of products available to help children compensate for their learning struggle.
First concentrate on just two or three of your child’s most critical problems in school. Look for easy-to-use products that deal with these particular needs. Try and purchase these tech-tools long before school begins so that our child will have time to understand how the tool works and how it will help him. If he/she seems to not be getting the knack of it then think about getting a tutor who can help with the gadget.
Help your child stay organized and get places on time with a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant). This hand-held mini-computer can help children from about 12 years old and up stay organized. PDAs include planners for keeping track of assignments and activities, a to-do list, a note pad, and alarms to help your child get there on time. A visual timer is a great way to help kids with ADD keep track of time with external cues. For $25 you can get the “Time Timer” which uses a diminishing red disc to graphically display the passing of time.

Introducing Some Great Ideas to Make School More Fun
Explore these great ideas to make students better students and their parents happier.

Amazing Gadgets For Students
We have arrived at an age when classroom furniture, a teacher and a blackboard are just not enough anymore. Now there is a device for everything, from laptops to phones to electronic textbooks. Take a look at the following items and see if there is something that will enhance your school performance, or that of someone you love.
Livescribe Wi-Fi Smartpen
This tool is amazing. No need for paper, notebooks, erasers, or a bag to carry it all in. Just write or draw in the usual way- you know, taking notes at a lecture, and this pen not only records the lecturer’s words, but remembers what you wrote. Go back later and tap a word, symbol or even just a doodle and the pen will play back the lecture. The pen also synchs digital copies to an Evernote account through Wi-Fi. Now the lecture and your notes are on your computer for you to look at and listen to at your convenience. Be careful not to lose this fantastic gadget.
iPad Mini
This device offers a fantastic way to access digital textbooks, and iTunes U, which gives the student free and easy access to college courses, either as podcasts, videos, lecture notes or other media.
Old Fashioned Alternatives to Hi-Tech gadgets
Tired of all the hype about electronic devices? Try some old fashioned educational fun, such as:
Biking, walking, kissing, holding hands, chit chatting, cooking, swimming, doodling, thinking, hugging, dancing and laughing.