Educational Use of Document Cameras

doc camera
New in the gamut of technological educational tools available today are document cameras.  They offer a way for educators to show their students different methods of examining various objects.  This is great for science projects too which can often be challenging for the student that lacks interest in the subject.  The problem is, they are not cheap and thus there can be an issue of theft between students.  That is why it is most advisable for the school children to keep them in secure school lockers.  Thus camera owners can be sure they will not be stolen.

Document cameras are also great for teachers to use to share 3D objects, maps, and other living objects (such as small animals, etc.).  Students are able to benefit from them by interacting with them.  When students learn interactively, they are more likely to integrate it into their subconscious, thus learning about it more easily and deeply.

There are many uses for document cameras at school.  The list includes: explaining a complicated scientific experiment, show and tell, sharing student work, demonstrative use of GPS or other gadget, modeling a process, etc.
